It takes one to know one

The trick, if you do client or project management, is to make sure that small things stay small so that big things can be big.

The Big Thing is what is delivered by your agency or organization. A media plan, concept, video, you name it.

What helps keep small things small?

Choose small words instead of big ones; omit superlatives.

Does inner panic arise? Never mind. As long as you don’t become a whole panic factory.

Speak out: “this won’t work out,” then you believe it yourself. It jumps over to people around you. The alternative may be: “Let’s also start thinking about plan B.

I have no idea what to do! or: I need to think about this for a while
This is an absolute disaster! or: This situation is untidy.
That c*nt doesn’t understand anything again! or: Apparently I need to explain it again quietly.

Putting yourself in perspective also helps. Suppose you think “I’m super frustrated. Fine. Shit happens. There is incredible frustration in the world. A whole mountain full. Put your frustration in that big pile and get on with what you wanted to do. This also works with anger, being upset and fill in the blank.

What helped me was a director’s comment. “Anneke, I’m reading on a small phone screen. Messages bigger than that screen I don’t take mentally.” It forced me -formerly panic factory- to communicate only the core.

“Creation is sick. Shoot tomorrow. Additional charges not agreed. And other stuff.
A: huppeldepup
B: somethingelse
C: thisorthat
D: <other namely…>
I choose C. Agreed? Or do you see a solution D?”

Said I got back: C = OK.
Reducing the drama to 32 words made it small and manageable.

Yes, but do you always have to be calm and composed? Are you never allowed to be angry? Sure did! Emotions are very important.

But it works best when you own the emotions … and not the other way around.

Each week I share an insight in this blog, about agency-client relationships. And vice versa.
Want even more insight? Check out my Services below for workshops, training and help on the floor.

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